
The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to a Consolidated School-Home Communications Solution

This guide walks you through the process of selecting a unified school-home communications solution that not only meets your district's needs but also drives positive student outcomes. We explore the key considerations, potential pitfalls, and best practices to help you make an informed decision that will benefit your entire school community.

Guides & Playbooks

Getting Started

In today’s fast-paced educational landscape, effective communication between schools and families is more crucial than ever. 

As someone who is considering an all-in-one school-home communications platform, you understand the challenges of managing multiple communication channels across various school sites.

This guide is designed to walk you through the process of selecting a unified school-home communications solution that not only meets your district’s needs but also drives positive student outcomes. 

We’ll explore the key considerations, potential pitfalls, and best practices to help you make an informed decision that will benefit your entire school community.

I. Your Path to an Informed Decision

Building Your Decision-Making Team

Selecting the right communication solution is a collaborative effort. Start by assembling a diverse team that represents various perspectives within your district:

  • PR/Communications team: To ensure alignment with district messaging and branding strategies
  • IT staff: To evaluate technical requirements and integration capabilities
  • School administrators: To provide insights into day-to-day communication needs
  • Teachers: To represent the frontline users who will interact with families regularly

Once your team is assembled, clearly define roles and responsibilities. Consider appointing a project lead to coordinate efforts and keep the process on track.

Next, establish decision criteria based on your district’s unique needs. Some key factors to consider include:

  • District vs. building control: How much autonomy do individual schools need?
  • All-in-one solution vs. multiple individual solutions: What’s the right balance for your district?
  • Communication methods: Which channels (text, email, calls, video calls, app notifications, websites) are most important for your community?
  • Language support: What are the linguistic needs of your families?
  • Data integrations: How will the solution work with your existing systems?
  • Third-party service integrations: Are there specific existing tools you use (like Smore for newsletters) that need to be integrated?
  • Family experience: How will families with children in multiple schools be affected?

By addressing these questions early, you’ll set a solid foundation for your decision-making process.

Setting Communication Goals

Before diving into specific solution options, it’s crucial to define what you want to achieve with your communications strategy. Consider the following objectives:

  1. Increased parent engagement: How can you foster more meaningful interactions between families and schools?
  2. Streamlined messaging: How can you reduce communication overload while ensuring important information reaches families?
  3. Enhanced data insights: What metrics will help you understand the effectiveness of your communication efforts?
  4. Improved student outcomes: How can your communication strategy directly support student achievement and well-being?

Work with your team to prioritize these goals and align them with your district’s broader communication strategies and objectives. This alignment will guide your evaluation of potential solutions and help you make a choice that supports your long-term vision for both family engagement and student success.

Impact on School Community & District

A consolidated communication solution can have far-reaching effects on your entire school community. Let’s explore the potential impacts:

Enhancing Family Engagement
  • Building stronger relationships: A unified platform can help families feel more connected to their children’s education by providing consistent, easy-to-access information.
  • Personalized communication: Look for solutions that allow targeted messaging based on student needs, grade levels, or specific programs.
  • Breaking down barriers: Consider how a new solution could address common obstacles to family engagement, such as language differences or technology access.
Empowering Educators and Staff
  • Simplifying communication tasks: Teachers and staff should be able to focus on education, not wrestling with multiple communication tools.
  • Data-driven insights: Look for solutions that provide actionable data on student performance and family engagement.
  • Comprehensive toolset: Consider additional resources like digital forms for permission slips or easy conference scheduling to streamline administrative tasks.
Improving Student Outcomes
  • Closing perception gaps: Effective communication helps align family and educator perspectives on student progress, leading to more coordinated support.
  • Early intervention: Timely communication about academic or behavioral concerns can facilitate faster, more effective interventions.
  • Celebrating successes: Regular sharing of student achievements can boost motivation and engagement.
  • Supporting individual needs: Personalized communication can help address specific learning goals or challenges for each student.
District-Wide Benefits
  • Consistent branding: A unified platform can help reinforce your district’s identity across all communications.
  • Policy compliance: Ensure your chosen solution supports district-wide communication standards and provides necessary logging and transcription features.
  • Resource efficiency: Consider how a consolidated solution could reduce IT overhead and streamline training efforts.

By keeping these impacts in mind, you’ll be better equipped to evaluate potential solutions holistically, considering not just features but also the broader effects on your school community and, most importantly, student success.

II. What to Look for in a School-Home Communications Solution

Defining the Category

Understanding the landscape of school-home communication solutions is crucial for making an informed decision. Let’s break down the main types of solutions available:

1. Unified, integrated platforms

  • Pros: Comprehensive feature set, consistent user experience, single vendor relationship
  • Cons: Potentially higher upfront cost, may require more extensive staff training

2. SIS add-ons

  • Pros: Tight integration with existing student information system, familiar interface
  • Cons: May lack advanced features, limited flexibility

3. Single offering solutions

  • Pros: Often specialized in one area (like messaging), can be less expensive
  • Cons: May require managing multiple tools, potential for inconsistent family experience across different sites in the district.

When evaluating these options, consider your district’s current technology ecosystem, budget constraints, and long-term communication goals. While a unified platform might provide the most comprehensive solution, a mix of specialized tools could be more suitable if your needs aren’t fully addressed by an all-in-one solution or if you don’t require all the features included in such a platform.

Why It’s Important

Choosing the right communication solution is more than just a technology decision—it’s about creating a cohesive, effective communication strategy for your entire school community. Here’s why it matters:

  • Closes perception gaps to improve student outcomes: Effective communication helps align family and educator perspectives on student progress, leading to better support and improved academic performance.
  • Ensures consistent and reliable communication: In times of both normalcy and crisis, a dependable system ensures your messages reach families quickly and effectively.
  • Reinforces district identity: A unified platform helps maintain consistent branding across all communications, strengthening your district’s image and values.
  • Simplifies family experience: Reduces confusion for families with children in multiple schools by providing a single point of contact for all school-related communications.
  • Enhances engagement: Familiar, easy-to-use interfaces encourage more frequent and meaningful interactions between schools and families.
  • Sets clear expectations: Families know exactly how and where they’ll receive important information, increasing the likelihood of timely responses.
  • Addresses equity concerns: Provides equitable access to information by overcoming language and technology barriers.
  • Streamlines communication channels: Reduces the risk of missed information by consolidating messages into a single, manageable stream.
  • Manages message volume: Helps prevent overwhelming families with too many messages from multiple sources.
  • Supports long-term goals: Aligns with your district’s broader objectives for family engagement and student success.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a solution that not only meets your immediate needs but also fosters a more engaged school community and ultimately contributes to improved student outcomes.

III. Research & Selection Process

Identifying Potential Solutions

Begin your search by exploring a variety of resources:

Seeking peer recommendations:

  • Reach out to colleagues in other districts to learn from their experiences.
  • Join education-focused social media groups or forums to gather insights from a broader community.

Exploring vendor websites:

  • Look for detailed feature lists, case studies, and demo videos.
  • Check for whitepapers or research reports that demonstrate the solution’s impact.

Attending educational events:

  • Participate in education technology conferences for hands-on experience with various solutions.
  • Attend education leadership summits or workshops that may feature discussions on communication strategies and tools.

Engaging with webinars and virtual events:

  • Join vendor-hosted webinars to learn about specific solutions and ask questions in real-time.
  • Participate in industry webinars or panel discussions about school-home communication trends and best practices.

Reviewing education publications and blogs:

  • Read articles and reviews in respected education journals and magazines.
  • Follow education technology blogs that often feature product comparisons and user experiences.

Consulting with education technology advisors:

  • If available, work with district or regional education technology advisors who can provide impartial guidance.
  • Consider engaging with education consultants who specialize in communication solutions.

Exploring case studies and success stories:

  • Look for detailed accounts of how other districts have implemented and benefited from various solutions.
  • Pay attention to districts with similar demographics or challenges to your own.

As you research, pay close attention to pricing models. Some common structures include:

  • Per-student licensing
  • Tiered pricing based on district size
  • Base fee plus per-module costs

Make sure to factor in any additional costs for implementation, training, or advanced features.

By diversifying your research methods, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of the available solutions and how they might fit your district’s unique needs.

Evaluating Solutions

When assessing potential solutions, consider the following key factors:

  1. Ease of use: Both staff and families should find the platform intuitive.
  2. Reliability: Look for uptime guarantees and redundancy measures.
  3. Integration capabilities: Ensure smooth data flow with your existing systems, especially your SIS.
  4. Communication methods: Verify support for all your required channels (text, email, voice, video chat, app notifications, websites).
  5. Two-way communication: Look for features that facilitate dialogue, not just one-way announcements.
  6. Language support: Ensure robust translation capabilities for your community’s needs.
  7. Reporting and analytics: Look for tools that provide actionable insights on engagement and communication effectiveness.
  8. Mobile app: Consider whether a dedicated app is required and how it enhances the user experience.
  9. Privacy and security: Ensure compliance with FERPA and other relevant regulations.
  10. Additional features: Evaluate the availability and quality of extras like newsletter creation, digital permission slips, or website management tools.

Use our downloadable Solution Scorecard to create a detailed rubric based on these factors and your specific district needs to systematically evaluate each solution.

Communications Solutions Scorecard

Vendor Comparison and Shortlisting

To make your final decision:

  1. Create a comparison matrix of your top choices, scoring each on your key criteria.
  2. Consider the vendor’s reputation, longevity in the education market, and customer satisfaction ratings.
  3. Request detailed references from districts similar to yours in size and demographics.
  4. Arrange demonstrations or trials to get hands-on experience with your top choices.
  5. Involve key stakeholders in the final decision-making process to ensure buy-in across your district.

Remember, the goal is to find a solution that not only meets your technical requirements but also aligns with your district’s communication philosophy and supports your long-term goals for family engagement.

IV. SchoolStatus

SchoolStatus Connect is a communications solution designed to help K-12 school districts engage families with impactful communications that inspire engagement and lead to better outcomes for students. The unified platform helps schools and districts streamline communication by combining channels into a single place, with channels and options to fit every school’s needs. Educators use SchoolStatus Connect to send messages to families via the recipient’s preferred channel, whether that’s email, phone call, SMS text, or in-app. Messages receive two-way translation into the recipient’s preferred language, with over 130 languages available, and can be replied to on whichever channel they were received. Mass announcements, segmented to specific districts, schools, classrooms, or groups, help quickly spread the word about important events or notices.  

SchoolStatus Connect doesn’t just make it easier to reach families—it also enables more impactful conversations. The platform integrates with SIS data to give educators digital logs to view students’ performance and attendance data, helping to add context and detail to family conversations. Message history, call logs and engagement  data help to understand your audience and ensure that everyone in your community is informed.

Smore newsletters are a fully integrated part of SchoolStatus Connect, empowering teachers and staff to create and send outstanding newsletters in minutes with customizable templates and easy-to-use tools to let creativity shine. And newsletter success is easy to track with built-in analytics and data dashboards—all from one central communication platform. 

SchoolStatus Connect customers can enhance the platform with add-ons that power a suite of additional features designed to streamline K-12 school district communication.

  • SchoolStatus Forms & Flows adds automated workflows and digital forms to SchoolStatus Connect, enabling schools and districts to digitize everyday processes and forms, saving school staff time and paper. Make field trip management simple with digital permission slips, sent to the family’s preferred channel via SchoolStatus Connect. And streamline internal tasks within your school or district, like event registration, equipment requisitions, and other processes. SchoolStatus Forms & Flows can help save time across your district—so that reclaimed time can be spent supporting students. 
  • SchoolStatus Sites & Apps adds school websites and mobile apps to SchoolStatus Connect’s school-home communication platform. School staff and communication leaders can use SchoolStatus Sites & Apps to create eye-catching school websites in minutes without any coding or HTML. The easy-to-use web builder enables ADA-accessible design to help schools abide by federal regulations for accessibility while giving families and community members a reliable, easy-to-navigate place to find important information. SchoolStatus Sites & Apps also makes it easy to keep messaging consistent across the platform, empowering you to send updates across your website, your SchoolStatus Connect feed, and social at once. 

Schools across the U.S. turn to SchoolStatus Connect to help families stay informed and engaged with their child’s school. If you’d like to learn how SchoolStatus Connect can help your school streamline communication and achieve better family engagement, our team is ready to help. You’re invited to take a free demo of SchoolStatus Connect for a closer look at the platform. Reach out to our team today to learn more

But Wait! Before You Go…

Selecting the right school-home communications solution is a critical decision that can significantly impact your entire school community. 

By following this guide, you’ve taken important steps towards making an informed choice that will enhance engagement, streamline operations, and ultimately support student success. Remember, the best solution is one that not only meets your current needs but also has the flexibility to grow with your district. Take your time, involve key stakeholders, and don’t hesitate to ask tough questions of potential vendors. 

Your careful consideration now will pay dividends in improved communication and engagement for years to come.

Use this checklist as a quick reference when evaluating potential solutions:

Remember, not every solution will have all these features, and your district may not need all of them. Use this list as a starting point and adjust based on your specific requirements and priorities.