
Absenteeism Trends:
Insights for K-12 District Leaders

Chronic absenteeism continues to be a complex issue for school districts across the U.S.

To facilitate a better understanding of nationwide trends, our experts have pulled together this comprehensive report. It presents a data analysis* with actionable insights on how district leaders can tackle this pressing issue head-on.

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With robust data insights to pinpoint which students, grade levels, and schools are most impacted, stakeholders can strategically deploy evidence-based interventions and allocate resources most effectively. Schools and districts have the power to get ahead of attendance issues through proactive, personalized engagement and support rather than just reactive punitive measures.

In this report, you’ll learn:
  • Chronic absenteeism trends for 2024 and their root causes
  • Different types of attendance intervention strategies that work 
  • How districts with low absenteeism rates are supporting student achievement by creating a culture of showing up

*This report includes national attendance data sourced from FutureEd and Return to Learn, based on reported numbers from state education departments from 2021 through 2023. These national averages are compared against a dataset from SchoolStatus, encompassing close to a million K-12 students in U.S. districts that employ proactive, positive attendance management strategies and tools.