Uniting for Success: 2024 K-12 Educator & Administrator Survey
In today's educational landscape, the connection between schools and families is more important than ever. This new comprehensive report, based on surveys of over 2,000 educators, administrators, and families across the U.S., explores the challenges and opportunities in school-family collaboration.
By examining data points in key areas such as attendance management, data utilization, and communication practices, we share actionable strategies and innovative solutions to enhance these crucial relationships and support student success.
Download the report to discover:
- How schools with stronger family engagement saw a 39% smaller rise in chronic absenteeism and significant improvements in ELA and Math proficiency
- Why 77% of educators rate school-home communication as critical, yet only 25.4% find it easy to connect with families–and how to close this gap
- Practical, technology-driven solutions to enhance data utilization, improve attendance, and foster meaningful family engagement