Help the Educators in Your District Succeed

November is Career Development Month! Discover how to support and uplift your educators with these powerful free resources, tools, and strategies.

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Explore Our Career Development Resources ↓

Kick off Career Development Month with impactful strategies
to support your educators.

CTA image for Communications and Coaching for Educators blog post.

CTA image for 5 Strategies for Professional Growth and Success Guide.

CTA image for How Wahoo Educators Drive Professional Learning Case Study.

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Learn how SchoolStatus
Supports Educator Growth

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SchoolStatus Helps Districts Thrive

Help Teachers and Staff Develop Their Skills

Connect Across Channels

Collaborative Goal-Planning and Two-Way Feedback

Empower the educators in your district with a transparent and collaborative growth platform that centralizes coaching feedback to help educators and staff expand their skills.

Educator Goal Setting

Goal-setting for Educators

Help educators take control of their professional development. Access collaborative goal-setting tools, 1:1 communication, and a portfolio of next steps, all in one platform. 

Activity Tracking

Multi-level Activity Tracking

See how your team is progressing in completing required activities over the course of the year, so you can identify opportunities to give support where it is needed. 

District Educator Data

District Data at a Glance

View performance trends and gains across your entire district. Track and analyze performance and view data visualizations at the individual, school, and district level. 

Discover How SchoolStatus
Supports Educator Growth

Make career development a priority with transparent, goal-oriented observation and coaching. Fill out the form below to schedule a personalized demo with our team today.