We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been selected to join the second cohort of the State Educational Technology Directors Association’s Emerging Private Sector Partners!
The ten companies making up this cohort were selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants based on their status as an emerging company, capacity to leverage technology to serve a need in PreK-12 or pre-service education, and their potential to scale on a state-wide and multi-state basis.
“State education leaders will receive the benefit of exposure to and insight into these exciting digital learning innovations,” stated Douglas Levin, SETDA Executive Director. “At the same time, these companies will benefit from the knowledge of emerging policy and exemplary practices in the states, as well as from the experience and wisdom of those who have supported school technology implementation for years.”
Read the full press release here.
SETDA bolsters the capacity of state and national leaders to improve education through technology policy and practice. To learn more, visit setda.org.
We can’t wait to make our debut at the Emerging Technologies Forum on June 26 in Atlanta, GA!