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The Most Inspiring Teachers on Instagram to Look Out For in 2019

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By SchoolStatus 9 min

They say you must walk a mile in someone else’s shoes before you judge them. As teachers, we are faced with a lot of judgement. When we look for inspiration, we often find that we gravitate towards other teachers – those who have certainly walked many, many miles in our shoes.

With the rise of social media and online networking, we now have access to teacher influencers from all around the world. One of our favorite platforms to find teaching inspiration is Instagram! We’ve found some absolutely amazing accounts that we think you need to start following for 2019. We’ve also asked them to share a little something about themselves that their followers may not know about them!

Here are our top picks for the most inspiring Teachers on Instagram:

Kate Oleson – @fourthgradeinroom210I

Kate is a 4th grade teacher in Marlborough, Massachusetts. In room 210, her motto is kindness matters, learning is fun, and laughter is required!

Instagram has helped Kate connect with both her student’s families and other teachers. She believes that Instagram has allowed her to creates stronger bonds and connections with those she inspires.

Something my followers don’t know about me is that I love to bake and decorate baked goods! I’m known for sugar cookies and cakes mostly. I have been known to show up to school with cakes and treats for my coworkers. – Kate

Cara Stepp – @missbakerinfirst

Cara is a 1st grade teacher in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Her followers love seeing her stories and feel like they know her on a more personal level because she also shares about her life, her journey as a new mom, and funny stories that happen at school and home!

One thing most of my followers don’t know about me is that I did my student teaching in Athens, Greece for three months in 2009. I taught a 1st and 2nd grade combined class with students who spoke at least three languages. It was the trip and experience of a lifetime! As soon as I returned I graduated from Lee University in Cleveland, TN. – Cara

Jessica Hursh – @theteachertalk

Jess is a 1st grade teacher in Ohio and she wanted to be a teacher and an author since she was in the third grade. Her third grade teacher actually told her mom, “This little girl has to be a teacher someday.”

I love teaching because of the relationships I get to build with my students. When I get my group of students, I get additional family members. My kids know that they’re welcome in my classroom any time, even when they technically aren’t my student anymore. I also love the conversations I get to have with my kids. They teach me just as much as I teach them. – Jess

Casey Boehm – @organizeandeducate

Casey is in her fourth year of teaching and has taught 3rd and 1st grade. She is passionate about having an organized classroom where her students can take responsibility for their work throughout the day.

Instagram has been an a great tool for me to make connections with tons of different people! I love being able to share what I am working on in my classroom, start conversations, and learn from others all over the world. – Casey

Something my followers don’t know about me is that in college I spent part of my summer in Italy! I visited Audiofonetico, Mama Mara School, Pinac, and Reggio Children. I did lots of incredible sight seeing as well. Sorrento is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. If anyone wants to go to Italy with me, I’m ready to go back! – Casey

Kim Crouch – @english_oh_my

Kim is a middle school English teacher on Long Island, New York and has been teaching for the past 15 years. What she loves most about teaching is the fact that she can mold, inspire and transform students’ lives on a daily basis. The fact that she is such an important part of their day means the world to her.

One thing my followers don’t know about me is I played tennis at the US Open during the Junior Olympics. – Kim

Caitlin & Jessica – @ebacademics

Caitlin and Jessica are both ELA teachers; Caitlin teaches 8th grade and Jessica teaches 5th grade.

As cliche as it sounds, teaching for both of us really is about changing students’ lives in a positive way. It’s why we both became teachers and why we both continue to teach. There’s something profound about being able to impact someone else’s life the way a teacher can! – Caitlin & Jessica

Something our followers don’t really know about us is how similar we are. We didn’t meet until we taught together in LA in 2013, but there are so many things from our past that intertwine and overlap that we could be sisters! – Caitlin & Jessica

Brooke Culton – @teachovertherainbow

Brooke is a 4th grade teacher in her 6th year of teaching reading-language arts in Liberty, Texas. She describes her teaching style as having a dab of goofy, a pinch of discipline, a cup of imagination, and a whole lotta’ creativity.

I love the inspiration that I get from other teachers. Whenever I feel like I’ve hit a growth block for myself and my students the IG community always give me the boost and inspiration I need to keep on trucking. – Brooke

Something my followers may not know about me is that before I was a teacher, I served in the US Army and I was a combat medical specialist. – Brooke

Hannah Wilde – @friendlyteacher

Hannah is a 3rd grade teacher in Norwalk, Ohio. When teaching, she prefers to teach through hands-on learning. She enjoys using real life experiences to teach children the strategies they need to succeed. 

Instagram has shaped my teaching journey because it has made me become more creative. It pushes me to think about new ways to implement ideas and it pushes me to become a better teacher. It also stretches my thinking and makes me think about more diverse topics in the classroom! – Hannah

Something my followers do not know about me is that I am VERY afraid of raccoons. For example, if I see one in my yard I literally won’t be able to sleep for nights. I once locked myself in a bathroom crying because they were on my front porch. – Hannah

Theresa Eckler – @teachinglessonsroom227

Theresa is a 4th grade teacher in Troy, New York and is in her eleventh year of teaching. She started her Instagram account just over a year ago as a way to share her passion for integrating technology into the classroom, as well as her deep love of sharing engaging teacher resources that she has created. She loves that Instagram is a collaborative platform where you can interact with educators from all over the world.

One thing my followers don’t know about me is I aspire to one day become a children’s book author. I have many ideas for stories that I keep in a journal, and I hope to one day bring them all to print! – Theresa

Diane Romo – @onegiggle

Diane is a teacher in Pennsylvania and has been teaching 1st grade for 26 years. She is still just as thankful today as she was 26 years ago for the opportunity to positively impact the lives of so many children.

I truly believe laughter is the best medicine, and movement is the key to learning when you are little…so…we giggle and wiggle…ALOT in first grade! – Diane

Having students return as adults to tell me “I became a teacher because of you”. There is no greater honor. – Diane

Pam Olivieri – @rockinresources

Pam was a classroom teacher for 26 years in grades 2-8. Her last 10 years was in 4th grade language arts and social studies, and is now a writing coach and curriculum designer.

I love to find ways to motivate students, because it helps them develop a love for learning. There is nothing better than seeing that spark of excitement when they learned something new. I love to share teaching tips and strategies to motivate, educate and differentiate! I also absolutely LOVE listening to my 80’s rock music (hence the name Rockin Resources). – Pam

Deedee Wills – @deedeewills

Deedee is a kindergarten teacher in Colorado. She has 16 years of experience as a teacher, literacy coach, curriculum developer, and educational consultant.

It sounds cliche, but I love that moment a student suddenly realizes they understand a new concept! I live for those moments. – Deedee

Something that my followers don’t know about me is that I didn’t have any money for college so I spent 6 years in the Navy Reserves in order to finance my teaching degree. – Deedee

Kristin Jones – @liveloveandteach

Kristin is a 1st grade teacher in Maryland and is in her 3rd year of teaching. Her proudest teacher moments are when she hears students use or connect something they learned in the last few weeks.

When I hear, “Ms. Jones, this is like when you said ______ last week!” it gives me the biggest smile. – Kristin

One thing my followers don’t know about me is that it is my third year teaching, but there are many times when I still feel like a first year teacher. In my three years of teaching I have tried many ideas or strategies that haven’t worked out for me, like management ideas, classroom organization, and lesson planning! I have changed my management strategies multiple times since I became a teacher. – Kristin

And there you have it! We hope you find a ton of inspiration from these teachers on Instagram!

Do you know an inspiring teacher on Instagram that we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

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