It has arrived!
We are thrilled to announce our newest Sketch update: Administrators can now tag multiple low-inference notes to the same component at the same time!
- Cut down on busy-work.
- Increase efficiency and accuracy.
- Work smart, not hard!
Access the Multiple-select Evidence Tagger directly from your Sketch form by clicking the icon adjacent to the spell-checker:
The Evidence section of your Sketch form becomes a “Multiple Note Selections” area.
Highlight the low inference note you wish to tag…
…then watch for the green check box to confirm that your notes have been added to the Multiple Notes Selections section of the page.
Highlight as many notes as you’d like, then click “Tag to Framework” to continue with the tagging, feedback, and ratings portion of the observation.
A special thank-you to our TeachBoost community, who continue to send us great ideas for improving our platform. Do you have thoughts on how to make TeachBoost better? Get in touch!