
Speed Up Attendance Intervention with SchoolStatus

By SchoolStatus 4 min

Despite the best efforts of school leaders and admins across the country, we are still in the midst of a chronic absenteeism crisis. The sheer scale of the challenge makes it difficult to address with traditional methods. And because each missed class makes it harder for an absent student to catch up to their peers, there’s very little room for delay. Students need help now—and every minute counts. 

SchoolStatus Attend is an attendance management and intervention platform designed to help districts address absenteeism at a district-wide scale. Combining clear data visibility with timely, automated intervention, SchoolStatus Attend can help busy school administrators return students to the classroom with positive, research-backed methodologies. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore how SchoolStatus Attend helps you identify attendance trends and prepare timely, effective follow-ups, from auto-translated interventions to family conferences. We’ll show how clean data and automated messaging make the process easier and more efficient—so you can spend more time on individual cases, and give students the attention they need.

This video explores how SchoolStatus Attend helps school and district leaders streamline attendance management:

The Intervention Dashboard Gives a Clear Picture of Attendance

School leaders need to keep a clear view of each students’ attendance, history, unique needs, and other data. But clunky data interfaces, or poorly integrated systems, make the urgent work of intervention tedious and inexact—making it harder to effectively intervene with students before behavior patterns trend towards chronic absenteeism. SchoolStatus Attend is designed to help validate and clean student data so administrators have a trustworthy source of truth that they can rely upon for attendance information.

The Intervention Dashboard helps school professionals easily parse attendance data and set or suppress automated responses for when a student misses school. The Dashboard helps to gather necessary attendance data in a single view, so you don’t need to manage multiple data sources to see a student’s status. From the Dashboard, you can see attendance data filtered by school, grade, and class, and track the status of pending intervention messages. The Intervention Dashboard also lets you record notes or add tags, such as for an attendance improvement plan, for each individual student, so you have crucial context for family conferences. With bulk actions, the Intervention Dashboard lets you view and act on multiple student cases at a time—so you can manage student attendance more efficiently than ever. 

The Conference Overview Helps Schedule Crucial Conversations

The most important partners in a student’s education are their family members and guardians. If families aren’t aware of student absences—or worse, if they don’t consider regular attendance important—then returning the student to regular attendance will be significantly harder, if not impossible. Sometimes a direct conference is the best way to get families involved, and many states mandate a family conference for truancy cases. Schools need an easy and efficient way to schedule these necessary conversations with families.

The Conference Overview is a dedicated portal that helps turn attendance insights into proactive plans that get families involved. From the Conference view, you can create and schedule conferences for each student, and send invitations to families via text, email, or mail with just a few clicks. You can also set up a block of conferences with multiple families at once. With advance scheduling, translation into home languages, meeting documentation, group conferencing, and more, SchoolStatus Attend makes the tedious process of scheduling as efficient as possible.

Efficient and Effective Interventions Help Return Kids to Class

Battling truancy and absenteeism requires a thoughtful and coordinated approach. SchoolStatus Attend can help your district take a standardized, measurable approach to attendance interventions that can help to reach more families with a fraction of the effort. If you’re interested in seeing what SchoolStatus Attend can do for your district, get in touch with our team for a free demo. 

SchoolStatus is a unified K-12 platform that enables districts and schools to engage more families and improve attendance with our easy-to-use communications hub and data-driven attendance solutions. We support an integrated and impactful educational experience, from district leadership to families at home. With more than two hundred million successful school-home interactions, and millions of users, SchoolStatus drives meaningful results for districts and schools across the US.

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