Here’s a great reflection from Matt, a Kentucky principal participating in the Instructional Leadership Challenge:
“When I first started as a principal, I would leave a short note and a piece of chocolate after I visited a classroom. I stopped doing this as I became more and more involved in data collection. I felt disconnected (and often still do) when collecting data, as though I am observing a subject instead of working with one of my own team members. I need to get back to the notes. Thanks for reminding me that this act is powerful.”
We’re so glad that the Challenge is resonating with school leaders across the U.S. (and now in 24 countries!). Matt’s feedback falls right in line with last week’s webinar, “Getting Real About Instructional Leadership,” hosted by Justin Baeder of The Principal Center. You can watch the archived webinar here.
Do you have instructional leadership stories you’d like to share? Tell us!
If you’re interested in registering for the Challenge, sign up and follow our Twitter discussions at #ilchal.
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