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10 Steps to Creating School Emails That Reach Families

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By SchoolStatus 4 min

Email. It’s the workhorse of school communications. It’s direct, measurable, and can be one of the most powerful tools in your communications mix. Unfortunately, however, few school administrators understand the science behind creating ones that get noticed, opened, read and acted upon.

So what makes an email effective—one that your families not only read, but then engage in the way you want them to?

A few savvy businesses know the formula. I’m not talking about the spammers who might slip through your spam filters. I’m talking about senders with whom you have some established relationship. The sharp ones know how to make the most of their email campaigns. Hubspot, an inbound marketing juggernaut, has taken a scientific approach to email, and breaks down the Anatomy of an Email in this super article by Meghan Lockwood.

In one of our recent surveys of school communicators, IT managers, and school administrators, we found that email is still the most preferred and effective way of reaching families. With the popular channels being used to engage families—school websites, social media, notifications, voice—email remains a very personal way to connect.

Email is still the most preferred and effective way of reaching families.

Pro tip: Smore is fully integrated with SchoolStatus Connect! Easily create responsive and translatable newsletters for your class, school, or district and share directly to your audience’s central feed and email inbox. 

Schools Have the Advantage

As a school, you already have a built-in connection with your families—they trust you as their child’s school. This relationship gives your emails an advantage over the clutter in inboxes. According to a recent survey of school administrators, communicators, and IT managers, email remains the most preferred and effective way of reaching families, despite the rise of websites, social media, and notifications.

Optimizing Your School Emails for Success

To ensure your emails reach and engage families, consider these key elements:

1. Craft an Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

Spend time crafting a concise subject line that hints at the content inside. Aim to pique curiosity or highlight value. Avoid generic lines like “Message from the Superintendent”—instead, get specific. The subject line is your gateway to clicks.

2. Personalize the “From” Field

Emails from a real person get more opens. Instead of sending from “XYZ School,” use the name of a trusted school staff member, such as the principal or communication director.

3. Maintain Clear School Branding

Consistent branding, from school colors to logos, strengthens recognition and trust. Make sure your email templates reflect your school’s identity and involve your communications team in the design process.

4. Personalize the Salutation

A personalized greeting, such as “Hi Brian,” creates a stronger connection than a generic “Dear Sir/Madam.” Personalization fosters trust and engagement.

5. Get to the Point

Show the reader the value of your message right away. Avoid fluff and be direct—e.g., “Attending the open house shows your support for your child’s education.”

6. Use a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Whether you want parents to register for an event or visit a page, make it easy. Use prominent, clickable buttons or links to guide them toward the next step.

7. Include Relevant Images

Emails with images perform better. Use school-related photos or graphics to break up text and draw attention to your message. Just ensure the images are relevant to the content.

8. Add Social Sharing Buttons

Encourage parents to share your message on social media. Adding Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn buttons increases your email’s reach.

9. Provide a Secondary CTA

If your email has multiple objectives, include a secondary CTA. Direct parents to your website, calendar, or other important school resources to keep them engaged.

10. Include Unsubscribe Information

Ensure your email footer contains privacy details and a simple unsubscribe option. This is not just good practice—it’s the law.

Reaching Mobile Audiences

More families are checking emails on their phones or tablets, so optimizing for mobile is crucial. Responsive design, concise content, and easily clickable buttons enhance the mobile experience, ensuring your message is accessible anytime, anywhere.

Pro Tip: Segment Your Emails for Maximum Impact

Not every email needs to go to every family. Segment your audience by school, grade, or involvement level to send the most relevant information. Families appreciate tailored communication, and this approach ensures higher engagement.

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SchoolStatus is a unified K-12 platform that enables districts and schools to engage more families and improve attendance with our easy-to-use communications hub and data-driven attendance solutions. We support an integrated and impactful educational experience, from district leadership to families at home. With more than two hundred million successful school-home interactions, and millions of users, SchoolStatus drives meaningful results for districts and schools across the US.

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