
Weekly Coaching Roundup, Week 34: August 27th, 2021

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By TeachBoost Team 4 min

Weekly Coaching Roundup - August 2021 (Seasonal)

This week we learned how to build a culture of appreciation with affirmation stations, why relationships and reflection are essential to coaching growth, five traits of positively energizing ICs and leaders, and more!

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Building a Culture of Appreciation

Brandy Alexander shares how you can use “affirmation stations” to thoughtfully and creatively spread love and appreciation to all of your staff members this year.

“At first, we planned to label one larger envelope for the lunchroom staff and one larger envelope for the custodial staff, but
we wanted everyone to feel personally included. Therefore, we hand-wrote an envelope for every – single – staff member. . . . You don’t have to wait until Valentine’s Day;
affirmation stations spread kindness across the school any week of the year. In fact, it’s an excellent way to start the year off on the right foot.”

A Coach’s Keys to Growth: Reflections and Relationships

Rachel Mane highlights what she believes to be the two most significant factors to her coaching growth and journey: relationships and reflection.

Reflection has become such an essential part of my work as a coach and helped me grow the most. . . . Reflection is also the center of each conversation I have with teachers, even if it is not explicit that we are taking time to reflect.
Questioning teachers in a way that encourages reflection is important to keep coaching conversations as an open dialogue.”

Leveraging the Principal-Coach Relationship

Angela Kelly Robeck and Chrissy Beltran explain why principals and ICs should have a mutual understanding of the coach’s role, goals, and vision.

“Having a productive relationship requires good communication. . . . Ideally,
the coach-principal relationship should be mutually satisfying. It functions best when both parties work together to implement the vision for the school.
This requires having a clearly defined coaching role and staying in your lane.”

The Essence of a True PLC

Francois Masse defines what a PLC is, and more importantly, is not, plus three guiding concepts that everyone involved must acknowledge.

PLCs are places where all the adults believe that all students can succeed and they are willing to question all procedures, rules, and policies that do not help students learn.
A very important paradigm shift is occurring where there is no longer a solitary ‘I’ but rather a benevolent ‘we’
. In order to do so, it is imperative that staff develop clarity as to the expectations of all in doing this work.”

Leading with Relational Energy

Steve Barkley identifies five traits of ICs and leaders who positively energize their peers.

“Unlike expending physical, mental, and emotional energy which generally requires some recovery time, relational energy tends to elevate and renew itself.
We seldom become exhausted, for example, by being around loving, supportive people who help uplift us. In fact, we often seek relational energy to become renewed.”

Launching Teacher Learning Communities

Stephanie Affinito shows us a fun way to use Google Slides to formulate interactive introductions among staff and students.

“I created an editable presentation in Google Slides and
invited teachers to each create a slide that represented who they were as a way to introduce themselves to the group and easily comment on their colleagues’ slides to
spark community and connection. . . . There are endless variations to this activity, too. Teachers could introduce themselves individually, co-teachers could create a collaborative slide, grade level teams could create a slide to represent the group and more.”


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