Welcome back to TeachBoost’s Coaching Roundup. Fair warning: this one is double stuffed with remote coaching and learning tips for everyone! Top up your mug and read on for some more great insights on remote work and distance learning.
For the coaches
Stephanie Affinito offers a few ways coaches can support teachers during their transition to a new reality: working remote, in “Coaching for Community: 4 Tips for Coaching in Unprecedented Times.”
Suzanne Bouffard provides eight tips for ICs on how they can be resilient while working remotely, in “Coaching during a Crisis: Advice from Experts.”
Fiona Hurtado reflects on her remote coaching journey so far and how voice notes have helped her to stay engaged with her teachers, in “Coaching in the Time of COVID-19.”
Larry Ferlazzo relays some methods ICs can engage in to support their teachers and how technology can assist, in “Instructional Coaching during the Coronavirus Crisis.”
Diane Sweeney shares three strategies that guide the shift to to online coaching and how ICs can serve as thinking partners for teachers, in “Student-Centered Coaching.”
Our own Dave Reid highlights how technology makes it easy for ICs to support teachers virtually—plus how TeachBoost can help, in an infographic: “3 Quick Tips for Remote Coaching.”
Stephanie Affinito explains the benefits of a virtual coaching cycle, in “Virtual Coaching for Anytime, Anywhere Professional Development.”
Manage your coaching cycles remotely!
TeachBoost Coach helps you manage your coaching cycles, goals, meetings, and evidence. It works on any device, making it easy to take pictures and videos in the classroom directly connected to your coaching cycles. We’re looking for instructional coaches to pilot the tool and provide feedback this Fall!
For the teachers
Melanie Meehan overviews the structure of a “digital mini-lesson” and some of her tips for creating them, in “Video Lessons.”
Sarah Gonser asked teachers—and scrubbed social media—for ways teachers are staying engaged with students, in “7 Ways to Maintain Relationships during Your School Closure.”
Rachelle Dene Poth suggests a few digital tools that educators can use to stay in touch with friends, families, and students, in “Fostering Connectedness.”
Stephen Merill offers six mindset-related approaches to keep teachers grounded in this difficult time, in “Teaching through a Pandemic.”
Jeff Young asked Bonni Stachowiak for some of her tips for lecturing online and how to keep students engaged, in “Advice for Newly Remote Instructors.”
Have some additional tips for remote coaching and teaching?
Share it with TeachBoost and we’ll be sure to share it!
Bonus content
TeachBoost compiled some best practices and tips for distance learning, plus reflections from your peers on their experiences.
Jim Knight and the Instructional Coaching Group curated a list of helpful articles for coaching and teaching from home.
Region 13 Coaches put together a “whiteboard” full of resources for parents, teachers, and ICs to assist with remote and home learning.
Joe Cappadonia and educators from the #EducatorsPLC created a Google Doc full of products and resources that support learning for students.
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